Gathering new momentum, striving for a new journey | The 2023 year-end management conference of Guoxin Technology has been successfully completed

前海国信    DATE:2024-01-05    TYPE:Company Dynamics

The sun and moon create a new era, and everything opens up a new chapter. On January 5th, the 2023 year-end management meeting of Guoxin Technology Group was grandly held in Shenzhen. Group leaders, directors of various centers, and department heads attended this meeting.

Chairman Yang Weihua conducted a comprehensive review of the work in 2023, taking into account the current situation and the achievement of goals. While acknowledging the achievements and gains, he deeply analyzed the existing problems and shortcomings. He said that in the face of the complex and ever-changing environment at home and abroad, we must seek development in stability, maintain stability in development, firmly grasp the excellent opportunity, compare hard work, struggle, drive, and progress; Make the project specialized, improve the quality, provide excellent services, expand the business, and make every effort to enhance core competitiveness!

At the meeting, the heads of each department and center focused on the company's development strategy and goals, combined with practical work and supported by data, comprehensively and objectively elaborated on the performance of duties and responsibilities in 2023, deeply analyzed the problems and shortcomings in the work, and proposed targeted improvement measures. At the same time, an overall plan was made for the work and development in 2024, clarifying the next steps of work ideas and measures.

To strengthen the mutual learning and progress of internal management work within the group, achieve the exchange and sharing of good practices and experiences, implement talent cultivation work, promote high-quality and scientific development of middle and senior management work, improve management level, and thus establish a high-quality management team. After the job report, a themed activity titled "Sharing Management Experience and Lessons Learned" was held to jointly explore the mysteries of management team building and share valuable experience and wisdom.

Long winds and waves sometimes break through, hanging straight on a cloud sail to the vast sea. The prelude to 2024 has already begun, and every Guoxin person will take this as a starting point, seize opportunities and face difficulties, and work hard with down-to-earth dedication! Continue to create more impressive results with a spirit of hard work, passion for hard work, and enterprising will, and create a better future!

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